September 27, 2000 Kranlendijk, Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles 12d09.411
N; 68d16.829W
are poised to depart Bonaire for Curacao tomorrow following a great
three-week visit with Tiffany. The Update front was quiet not for
lack of activity, but because so much of what we did was "on going".
The daily routine accommodating four distinct biorythmical patterns
(and I say four, because in this regard Tyson the 6-lb Yorkie definitely
counts as an individual) grew quite complex. Between coffee, the
morning walk, radio net time, breakfast, two hours at the gym, scuba
certification studies, sunbathing time, unavoidable boat projects,
etc., it was all we could to be ready for "noodle hour" at 4pm!
"Noodle hour" became very important to all, including Tyson, who
was the social hit floating around on his own sun mat.
The big accomplishment
was getting Tiffany certified in her own right after years of her
tagging along as a resort diver. For "graduation" we made a night
dive on the reef right behind the boat, and it was a humdinger:
a half dozen morays, several puffers, all the usual sleeping fish,
a big spider crab, delicate sand anemones, and the star of the evening
a 4' tarpon who played tag with us the whole dive. We have a new
halogen deck light on the arch, which we left on, which turned the
water below into a virtual aquarium. We spent the last ten minutes
of the dive just hanging out with our own lights off indulging in
the very surreal effect!
We made several long
dinghy trips to some of Bonaire's varied reef dives, but the best
from the two captains' viewpoint was the half-day sail south in
the big boat down the coast to "Angel City". This dive is near the
huge salt-processing facility with its towering pyramids of salt
awaiting export. This brought back lots of memories for me, as the
liveaboard dive ship I worked on, Aquanaut Explorer, spent much
time on the ship mooring there when we worked this area in 1989.
on the day prior to departure (no diving permitted before flying)
we rented a car and did the requisite island tour. The drive up
the west coast towards the hilly Park area (the south half of Bonaire
is FLAT!) is the best part. Many new fancy houses are being built.
This gives way to a stairstep geology of "solution notches" created
when the land was beneath the sea, which you can see forming yet
again when you dive. Many people dive Bonaire from rental cars,
and all the sites are clearly identified from the road. At the end
of the coast road is Goto Flamingo Preserve which offered up several
dozen flamingoes in bright pink proximity, especially in the binoculars.
On my previous tours (in 1983 with Pan Aqua Diving of NYC and in
1989 from the Explorer) we had made do with pink dots well over
a mile away!
The Park circuit is mostly
through landscape reminiscent of Arizona - arid and cactusy, with
innumerable sampering lizards The coast, though has elaborate limestone
formations of a swiss cheese consistency created by boring sea organisms.
All this was interesting but none-too exciting, although we did
enjoy another seven or eight healthy flocks of flamingos, all quite
close-to, plus several hawks and several goats!
As the weather was gorgeous,
we cut the tour short after lunch and returned our tourist to the
boat in time for a dose of sunbathing on the swim mat. Sounded like
a good idea, so I stretched out on the deck box. Some while later,
Don hailed me from shore to pick him up, but as we dinghied back
to the boat we realized there was no sign of Tiffany! Way, way,
....way off on the horizon, we saw a speck of white. As we bore
down to her rescue, Tiff looked up and around for the first time,
wondering who was about to run her down. TII was verrrry small!
Do we know how to to relax 'em! Did I mention we girls had Margaritas
for lunch?
flew out quite early the next morning. As usual nobody slept well
worrying about missing the 5am alarm. We did have a small hitch
when the brand new rental car came up with a flat tire, but Don
is a whiz with a jack (after all those years in St. Thomas) and
had it changed out in 5 minutes. While waiting to see the plane
lift off in to the sunrise, the two captains finished the tour loop
around the southern half of the island, checking out the salt evaporation
ponds (extensive), the working windmills (how Dutch!), the Lac (a
big windsurfing destination) and yet more flock of flamingoes, one
group of which took to the air over the car. What an unlikely flying
machine, a puff ball of pink with 3' feet of neck and bill at one
end and 3' of leg at the other!
The boat is quiet. Don
keeps worrying about the dog that isn't here! We have put things
away, done laundry, listened to all our radio nets (which we'd just
about given up!) and bit by bit resumed our identities as cruisers.
Sigh. Off to a new place tomorrow!