This seems a good time to catch up on a couple of IMPORTANT matters. 1) My very brief article about Trinidad appears in the Shoreline column of September's Cruising World. 2) The Ham Radio Winlink system has an Internet service for checking on our position. You can distract yourselves from work by going to http://winlink.findu.com/wp2ail and you should get our last reported position! You may get our last five reported positions. We don't know; we've never seen it. For those of you with kids, (or with inquiring minds of your own) this could be a fun exercise in geography that can go on a couple of years. Get a big world chart and plot us along! 3) Tiffany has a new computer and is back on line. Welcome to the update group, Tiff! Her new address is TLWstarwater@aol.com. That's all for now! |
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