Longitude 88*10.W
May 15, 2001
Underway from Salinas, Ecuador to Galapagos
It occurred
to me this morning while watching our third sunrise at sea, that
I would be wise to wrap up accounts of our mainland Ecuador experience
BEFORE actually getting to the Galapagos.
ended up spending ten days in the Med Moor slip in Puerto Lucia,
but I'd have to confess to having little idea what the 2Cs did with
all the time. We did not do our planned inland trip for the Devil's
Nose Railway journey. We did not check out the huge coastal city
of Guayaquil. We did not even get to the beach town Cindy wanted
badly to visit to get a special braid done in her hair. We could
lay the blame for the lethargy on the crew of Lite N Up who had
a lot on their plate trying to finish yardprojects, get their refrigeration
repaired, etc., before departing for Galapagos and the South Pacific,
but that would be unfair. If we'd wanted badly enough to go, we
would have gone..and they might even have come with us. Mostly,
I think, we needed some time to lay low and beat all the bugs in
our system. The chief highlight of our time in Salinas was the socializing
with a mixed group of North Americans and their Ecuadorean wives.
At the center of this hospitality was the American couple Jim &
Arlene Gilbert. Jim is a power plant engineer who has worked in
South America for many years. He and his wife are members of Puerto
Lucia Yacht Club, although they currently have an apartment high
up over the beautiful Salinas tourist beach with one of those views
that goes on forever. The Ecuadorian Navy moors their ships and
even submarines off this beach, and with Jim's telescope, it was
fun to check these out even as pleasure craft zipped all around
The Gilbert
hospitality started with invites to use land-line Internet connections
and homestyle washer/dryers, but expanded from there to two fabulous
group dinners,
including a Thanksgiving in May dinner with two 20lb turkeys, the
bulk of which came home with the two cruising boats for soup, sandwiches,
and tetrazzini! In between, there was a little socialization aboard
TII & Lite N Up (once the latter was relaunched), which on one
occasion somehow included shots of tequila in the middle of the
afternoon....???? I think it had something to do with Cinco de Mayo
which threw Don into flashback mode to his days as the Jose Cuervo
guy for St. Thomas Foods.
Anyway, it was
tough to leave these warm new friends...and it was made even tougher
by some peculiar government regulations that forbid Ecuadorian Port
Captains from writing "zarpes" (clearance documents) for
the Galapagos! Here I am poised to write great words urging cruisers
to come to coastal Ecuador on the way to Galapagos, only to find
it isn't allowed. Well, our new friends went to bat for us, unravelling
red tape far enough to get us a document enabling us to leave Salinas
for the Galapagos where we officially look forward to a 72-hour
stay! Although by all accounts such bureaucracy is pretty relaxed
once one gets to the islands, since it's a 4-5 day trip just to
get there, this didn't seem good enough. More phone calls, however,
produced an arrangement with a particular official in Puerto Ayora
who will make sure we get the time we need.
We'll see, We'll
see soon, in fact, as we are projected to arrive around first light
tomorrow morning. We left Puerto Lucia Saturday morning -- on our
own as Lite N Up needed a day or two more (they're still there!),
and we have sailed, close reaching, non-stop for three days, with,
I may point out, the Aries Vane autopilot doing all the driving!
This means (for anyone who cares) that we have traveled about 600
miles using almost none of our diesel! Keeping almost 2 degrees
south of the equator the whole way, we have had steady SW winds
@12-17kts, which made for a fabulous and fast passage. All while
boats coming to Galapagos from Panama have been struggling with
light and adverse winds! We have just changed course for our last
leg into the archipelago, now broad reaching with the swell behind
us. It's quite the sleigh ride!
Mother Nature
has been keeping her cards close to her chest on this trip. We have
seen no exciting sea creatures and few birds, so far, but then I
think she is just saving up! This morning we had a pair of tropic
birds (no doubt attracted by the artwork on our bow) and our first
ever storm petrel, which we believe was a Galapagos storm petrel
by his markings. There were no less than 61 stiff bodies of squid
and flying fish on deck this morning, and we at least had a hit
on our trolling line (lost it!) The weather, however, has been steadily
improving. Our first night out was so cold we had several layers
of sweaters, pants and socks! Today, with the sea temp finally up
to 79.5 degrees, I am actually wearing a bathing suit & T-shirt.
Much more importantly, the ocean has at last turned blue! BLUE!
I'd forgotten what it was like.
On this note,
I'll close for now. Any hams among you may want to know that we
have not one but two new HF antennas we have been playing with,
with some impressive improvements. Have talked with operators in
Pennsylvania that sounded like they were next door. This has prompted
me to pay more attention to the morning Central American Breakfast
Club (7083LSB at 1300 UTC), as well as the evening Maritime Mobile
Nets, (e.g. the Maritime Mobile Service Net on 14300 mHz from 2300
UTC on as well as the Pacific Seafarer's Net 14313 mHz at 0230 UTC.)
These are times hams might to try to reach us....'Course....we'll
be in port tomorrow night, and it's doubtful we'll stay up that
late if we don't have watches to keep. However, we'll be back at
sea the second week in June, so try us then!