It has been more than a full year since we left Trinidad and started our cruise westward across the Southern Caribbean, via Venezuela and Colombia, to the San las and Panama. In March we popped out of the Panama Canal into the Pacific Ocean, since which time we sailed south to mainland Ecuador, west to the Galapagos Islands, and finally northeast back to Cocos, Western Panama and Costa Rica. For those of you that have been following the "Logbook" updates you may already know how things have been going for the boat and crew, especially during this last season of multi-day offshore passages. However, since
we know many visitors to this website are fitting out their own boats
for cruising, the following info will hopefully give a closer look
at the mechanical side of the trip. In other words, of all the money
and time spent on the refit, what has worked, what has changed and
what was a waste of time." Autopilots - The Aries Wind Vane and Autohelm
Once in Trinidad, having the boat up on the hard would have made for very easy access, but the vane was way down the list of projects to be done. One day a tall, tanned, tattooed, loud-mouthed, know-it-all American came by and said it was mounted way too low and needed to be raised if it was ever going to work. I was appalled that there was the remotest chance I was going to have to drill eight MORE holes in the stern and ignored him. Two hours later I met the same guy in one of the local bars where I found out that, not only was he a good friend of a good friend of mine, but he was a Harken dealer, ran a rigging shop in Margarita, AND he had sailed around the world one or two times with an Aries Vane on every boat. I bought him a beer.
Leaving Margarita the Vane worked great on the first leg, but after that we motored or just got lazy and didn't use it. We finally hooked it back up again a few weeks later and could not get it to even come close to holding a heading. After several tries, we gave up till we could find help to show us what we were doing wrong. Finally, discovered with a little effort that I had the lines hooked up backwards-duh!!! Still, use after that was very intermittent, primarily due to laziness of the crew. First, we had to remember to hook it up before departure (we disconnect the steering lines at anchor for unrestricted use of the cockpit); second, the boat has to be fairly well balanced and, third, the heading does roam quite a bit as the Vane makes its corrections. On relatively short legs, this is quite noticeable. Mr. Autohelm Electric Autopilot, on the other hand, holds the heading very close and doesn't really care that much about the balance of the sails (unless it is really bad), so he got to do most of the steering across the Caribbean.
In Panama, before we cemented our faith in the Aries, we also installed a Tillerpilot (Autohelm 1000 plus) to the Vane for vane steering when there is no wind. This works perfectly, as very little force is needed to move the Vane to maintain the ship's heading. However, in the "that's my luck" department, our Tillerpilot failed after about 20 hours of motoring on the way to Ecuador from Panama; something was rattling around loose inside! (Later diagnosis from Raytheon was that the drive motor came unmounted inside the housing! i.e. warranty repair!) Once again the Vane itself took over. With very little wind to drive it, we wandered a little more than we liked, but hand steering was not necessary, and in multi-day passages that is the fundamental need. We were fairly sure that the Tillerpilot's failure was not related to the installation but to a fluke problem with the particular unit, as many people we have met have a similar set up. The unit itself, which of course is actually designed to push and pull a tiller athwartships in the cockpit, is instead mounted pointed aft on the lower stern rail on a bracket I made. The push rod attaches to the Vane where the wind "sail" would normally go by means of another hand-made bracket, and it simply pushes and pulls back and forth to maintain the ships' heading. It draws very little power (especially as compared to the "big" belowdecks autopilot, and, very conveniently, we can control it from the cockpit with the same remote control we'd bought to use with the big autopilot. (Separate wiring is needed, but the same control head will work by changing to the proper power plug) As for the main Autohelm autopilot (the Type II Linear Drive and Type 300 course computer, with a 6000+ Control head), we have mixed reviews. For the most part it has worked just fine. However, we seem to have a bug or two that crop up at the damnedest times. At Autohelm's warranty-backed suggestion, I replaced the drive motor in Panama and that seemed to take care of most the problems. However, two weeks out of the Canal and in the middle of the night it just went directionally "bonkers" and had to be turned off. The Vane took over and did great till we ran out of wind. Several days later, at anchor in Bahia de Caraquez and after several emails to and from Autohelm, we seem to be back in business, with no clear cause of either problem or solution. On the four-day trip from mainland Ecuador to the Galapagos, the Vane did three straight days of close-reaching sailing (winds 12-18 kts) and the electric pilot did only the last day when we had very light winds that came around on our stern. But, on the leg from Cocos back to Western Panama, and during the whole month we spent along that coast, we had light to no winds and we used the big Autohelm exclusively, during which time we had no problems whatsoever. Go figure? Fuel Tank In Trinidad we converted our port settee water tank into a fuel tank (what was left of it after cutting the end off to make more room for batteries in St. Thomas). This gave us 33 gallons more of diesel and of course the same amount less of fresh water. This works great as a holding tank, from which, via a small 12-volt pump, we transfer the entire tank to the main tank when there is room or need. The only problem with the conversion was the lack of a proper loop in the vent hose. The first transfer of fuel included about three gallons of saltwater into the main tank. This gave me a very good practice session in draining the water out of the bottom of the main tank (using the normal fuel pickup and with the 12-volt electric fuel pump I normally use just to bleed the engine), replacing both the fuel filters and bleeding the engine. Fortunately we were at anchor in Margarita, so there was not too much discomfort in the operation. Vent hose has been fixed now, as well as adding a shut off valve in the line whenever fueling is not in process. Watermaker The Spectra 12-volt, 200C-WONDERFUL, PERFECT --- Can't say enough good things about it. Does what the dealer says it will do, AND it does it quietly and nearly maintenance free. We have had a couple of leaks that required some attention, but otherwise I just change the filters whenever the flow of good product slows down below 8 gph, and I keep it freshwater-flushed weekly when in a port that we can not make water. (We have isolated our forward reserve tanks - about 30+ gallons - to keep a supply of our own water available for back-flushing as it's important to keep chlorine away from the membrane.) As of May '01, we'd run it for 679 hours since installation in May '99. That's 679 x 8 gal/hr = 5432 gallons we didn't have to buy or carry! I use two sets of filters, both 5 and 20 micron, and I just wash them out, sun dry them, and rotate them as necessary. Generator - Northern Lights 5kw Total time -- 483hrs. It's been working like a top! Replaced one impeller at 150 hrs, replaced the temperature safety switch at 300 hours, and otherwise it's just been normal maintenance the rest of the time. We use the generator to drive the Freedom 25 for battery charging at anchor and underway. If the main engine is not needed to move the boat (and it hasn't been much lately), we use the generator for needed charging. The combo is much faster than even the high output alternator. The only problem
with the generator in regards to the battery charger is the total
output from the charger. Apparently from the shape of the sine wave
the charger reads the voltage slightly different, and we can only
get about 100 amps out of the charger from the generator, whereas
on shore power we can get 130 amps. Once the batteries start to heat
up with the charge, the charging amps drop back to 75 to 80 on the
generator. Not all that bad, as I do not like to put more than 100
amps in at a time anyway, but the quick cut back is troublesome if
you are 100 or more amp hours down and the charger cuts back to 70
from 100. If additional load is put on the generator, then the charge
rate will go back up, so we generally turn on the water heater after
the generator has run about a half-hour to get more charging out of
the system. |
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